Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Speaking Part 2 - New Topics - September Onwards

Every four months some new speaking Part 2 topics are added to the examination. The following topics were asked worldwide during September and hence there is a possibility that these are the new topics from September onwards. Preparation of these cue card topics will be very helpful for the upcoming IELTS speaking exam. All the best.

1)  A Product You Were Dissatisfied With

Describe something that you bought that you were dissatisfied with.
            You should say:
                          what the item was
                          when and where you bought it  
                          why you bought it
            and explain why you were not happy with this product. 
            explain what you did with the product after you found that it was unsatisfactory.

2)  A Home You Like 

Describe a beautiful house or flat that you have visited.
You should say:
        when you visited this home   
        where it was (or is)
        what it looked like
and explain why you liked it.

3)  A Film About a Real Person or Event

Describe a film about a real person or event that you have watched.
               You should say:
                               when (and where) you saw this film 
                               what person or event the film was about
                               what happened in the film 
                and explain how you felt about (or, explain your opinion of) this film.

4)  A Plan

Describe a plan you have for the future (but not related to work or study).
You should say:
        what it is
        why you have this plan
        what the first step in your plan is 
        what you will need to do in order to make the plan work 
and explain how you think you will feel after you achieve this. 

5)  A Garden

Describe a garden you visited and liked.
You should say:
        where it was
        what you saw in this garden
        what you did there 
and explain why you liked it

6)  A Lesson, Class or Training Session

Describe a class, seminar or training session that you enjoyed. 
You should say:
what the session was about
who the teacher or trainer was
what the teacher (and the students) did 
what you learned in this class or training session
               and explain why you enjoyed it

7)  A Teenager You Know

Describe a teenager who you know.
               You should say:
                           how old they are (= how old he or she is)
                           how and where you met him or her                            
                           what you and this person do together  
                           what kind of person he or she is (his or her personality)                          
               and explain how you feel about him or her. 
              and explain whether you like or dislike this person and why 

8)  A Wrong Decision

Describe someone you know who made a wrong decision. 
You should say:
        who the person was
        what the situation was 
       what decision they made 
and explain why you think it was the wrong decision. 

9)  A Traditional Event

Describe an important traditional event (in your culture/country).
                You should say:
when this event is held
who attends this event (or, who is involved in this event) 
what people do during this event
and explain why this event is important. 

10)  A Person You Enjoy Talking To

Describe a person you enjoy talking with.
You should say:
how often you speak with this person (or, how long you usually spend talking to each other)
when you usually talk with him/her
what topics you usually speak about
               and explain why you enjoy speaking to them (= him or her).

11)  A Project 

Describe a project or some work that you did with others.
                You should say:
what the project or work was.
                                 when you did this
                                 who was with you
                                 how easy or difficult it was 
                and explain why you did this with other people.
and explain why how you felt about doing this with other people. 

11)  A Way to Relax

Describe a way to relax that you find effective. 
You should say:
what you do (or, how you relax) 
(when you usually do this )
where you usually do it
who is usually with you at this place 
               and explain why this is relaxing for you.

12)  A Meal You Like to Eat

Describe a meal (or dish) that you like to eat.
               You should say:
                                   what it is
                                   where you usually eat it
                                   what the meal is made of  (= what is in the meal or dish)
                and explain why you like it.

13)  Something You Learned from a Family Member

Describe something useful you learned from a member of your family.
You should say:
        what it was
        who you learned it from
        how you learned it
and explain why you think it is useful.

14)  A Meaningful Song

Describe a song that has (special) meaning for you.

You should say:
        what song it is
        when you first heard it
        what the song is about 
and explain why this song has special meaning for you.

15)  An Unusual Job

Describe an unusual job you would (like to) do, if you had the opportunity.
You should say:
        what job it would be 
        what you would do in that job
        why this job is unusual 
                         and explain why you would like to do that job. 

16)  An Old Photograph

Describe an old photograph that you like. 

                You should say:
who took the photo
when it was taken
where it was taken
and explain why you like it.

17)  A Good Neighbour

Describe a good neighbour of yours.
                     You should say:
                                    how long you have known this neighbour
                                    what sort of person they are
                                    how often you see them                            
                     and explain why you consider this person to be a good neighbour. 


  1. Hi Vidhi,

    I may need some help in the topics such as a teenager i know and a project.

    I could hardly imagine a teenager in my life -.-
    and about the project...really dont want to talk about assignment or group presentation in the university, do you have a better idea?



    1. Hi Daniel,

      I have posted an answer for the 'teenager' question and will try to post an answer on the project very soon.

      Good Luck.

  2. Thanks Nancy. Glad you found it useful.

    I will be posting some more questions very soon. All the best.

  3. Nice post about IELTS Speaking Questions it is very important information for students

  4. Thanks for sharing this nice post.IELTS Speaking is also very important and students should follow the IELTS Speaking tips for better result in IELTS.

  5. Good post about ielts it is very useful for students

    IELTS Reading Tips
