Monday, August 13, 2012

Speaking Part 1: 'Food'

1. Which do you prefer to eat, lunch or dinner? (Why?)

Well, I like to eat dinner. This is mainly because my university/job is during the day and I hardly get any time to eat proper lunch. At night I can have my dinner peacefully.

2. Which do you prefer – to eat one big meal or to eat several small snacks?

I enjoy eating healthy snacks like fruits or nuts every two to three hours. It gives me good energy and allows my body to function properly throughout the day. 

3. Do you think there are any benefits from eating breakfast?

Definitely. I think having healthy breakfast has numerous/several benefits. Not only does it gives you energy to start a new day but it is also linked with many health benefits like better metabolism and improved performance.

4. In the past few years, have there been any changes to people's eating habits in your country?

Yes. I believe at present in India people are consuming more amount of fast foods as compared to many/few/several years ago and hence many fast food outlets are becoming more popular today. The intake of processed and packaged foods also have increased dramatically.

5. What do you consider to be a healthy diet?

My idea of a healthy diet is to eat variety of foods in moderation because a balanced diet is extremely necessary for getting proper nutrition. For example, eating lots of different fruits and vegetables with foods that contain protein, fibre and carbohydrates can be very healthy.


  1. Nice post about IELTS speaking it is very important information for students

  2. How many linking words should i use in an interview/speech?
